
Mass effect 3 war readiness
Mass effect 3 war readiness

As long as no-one spoils the ending of Se7en in the comments: I've had it on pause for on my VHS for about 16 years.

mass effect 3 war readiness

I'll go into details after the jump, as I'm aware some people view even the words Mass Effect 3 as some sort of spoiler. No, it's not new-news as such, but it is worth reiterating strongly now the game's out in some territories. Some guy called Tom Francis over at whatever the heck PC Gamer is, has figured out exactly why it's even darker than expected, and it's a bit of a dodgy trick that BioWare have pulled if true.

mass effect 3 war readiness

A lot of the Mass Effect 3 reviews are focusing on the bleakness of Bioware's story, and quite a few are shocked at the game's darkness in regard to the choices they made.

Mass effect 3 war readiness